Friday, May 28, 2010

Export Invoice : Proforma Invoice and Commercial Invoice

 In Export Procedure the Invoice is the Main and Lead Document for any firm.

There are two types of invoices are prepared for the Export.

Proforma Invoice : Proforma Invoice is Prepared for the Export Consignment which is sent to the Consignee or Buyer for approval of the contract and after getting approval from the International buyer the party / Exporter has to prepare the Commercial Invoice to get accounted their Export Consignment.

Commercial Invoice : Commercial Invoice and Excise Invoice are Both Same. The Commercial Invoice has to prepare for the Export Cargo and Submission to Customs/ Excise Authority for the Export Clearance. 

The Both Invoices are Prepared and Presented against Customs/Excise Authority for Clearance of Export.

The Invoice is cross verified for the Purpose of Value assessment and Export Declaration Purpose.

The Export firm has to monitor some of the points regarding Invoice i.e. Value , Description of Goods and Export Declaration Like the Export Charges terms of payment and other Commercial aspects.

Bhadresh Bhatt

Friday, May 21, 2010

Current Economy Position and Foreign trade Policy

The World Economy is sailing on the flow of Stimulus packages, and as far as the Export and Import are concern the Profit or margin of the sale is very much depended on Government benefits and Subsidiaries Provided to Exporters and Importers.
The New Foreign Trade Policy is Going to be on the Doorstep to Indian Exporters and Importers though there are many beneficiary announcements and schemes are already provided; we can just wait for our commerce minister to surprise us with the some of the fresh benefits or withdrawals ?????
The Positive growth of Indian Exports are due to the past Stimulus packages provided by Government of India.
The Indian Trade are looking towards the DEPB Extention or any other substitute. Expansion of Focus Scheme with New markets and Products.
Hope that Commerce Department and Policy makers are Produce the Good Policy and provide equal weitage to all Industry.
Bhadresh Bhatt 

Friday, May 7, 2010


You can start your import/export business at home with a telephone. You'll need a file system, business cards, and a machine to answer the phone calls. Once you get going, you'll want a cable address or a telex hook-up.

And you'll need a classy letterhead. Until you establish personal contacts, it is your letterhead that represents you. Make it look professional,